Let It Snow - Mini Guide -
Course + Editing Video - $39.99

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let this mini guide + editing video inspire you to create magical moments that spread wintery nostalgia throughout your work. If you are looking to elevate your imagery this winter and potentially earn additional income; here's your opportunity! 

Step by step guide to creating magical imagery through utilizing a snow machine.


Mini Course Includes:

  • A Full Resource List To Set You Up for Success + Why I Use What I do.
  • A 21 minute Editing Tutorial on How I edit My Snowy Images + How I Add Extra Snow In Photoshop. (This is not an in depth editing video, but shows how I personally edit & what tools I use to create snow effects/fix snow in post processing.
  • Three Ways You Can Profit From Purchasing/Using A Snow Machine Within Your Business. 
  • How To Use The Snow Machine To Create Inspiring Imagery. (Shown Through Four Mini Video Clips + Diagram)
  • Camera Settings + A Few More Tips

Learn my techniques revolving around using a snow machine + how to make an additional income from it 

*This is labeled as a mini guide/course for a reason. It is short, simple, and straight to the point. I share some very important tips and techniques that truly have set me up for success when utilizing a snow machine within my work - both personally and professionally.* This is non-refundable.*Paragraph

Course Format

Delivered through downloadable
pages + VIDEO
+ mini video clips.

  • Art that inspires you and your ideal clientele when utilizing a snow machine.
  • A plan that attracts the right clientele for your business and financial needs through offering sessions that include the snow machine.
  • An understanding on how to place the snow machine to achieve magical photographs.
  • A burning desire to get out and capture/edit true nostalgic magic.

By The End of this course you will be able to create: 

wondering if this is for you?

You're an ideal fit if you:

I'd love to help!
  • Are ready to stand out, be yourself and create from the soul.
  • Want to explore new ideas, create memorable imagery and have fun while doing it.
  • Learn how to create snowy imagery that no one else can replicate.
  • Add extra income opportunities for yourself by adding to your current client packages.

Permission is hereby granted, as purchased, to any person purchasing a copy of this course, to use, study, and modify for personal/business use. However, you MAY NOT redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the course.

DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE PRODUCT, THIS PURCHASE IS NON-REFUNDABLE. There will be absolutely NO REFUNDS. Please be careful and verify your choices before purchasing. *I cannot guarantee this course will bring you in additional income, nor do I promise your imagery will turn out like mine. These are suggestions that have worked for me.* By purchasing suggested resources you are agreeing to purchase through other companies and PAP holds zero fault if any issues arise.*


